The Complete Empath Toolkit Program

Release pain & overwhelm to feel FREEDOM

Self paced empath empowerment program.
with Michael Smith, Ph.D.

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Master Your Energy...
Connect to Divine Guidance....

Okay, so you are ready to stop absorbing sketchy low vibe energy from other people....and connect more deeply with your intuitive gifts....

That's what the Empath Toolkit empowerment program will help you to do.

The program contains  13+ hours of updated and current video/audio training along with 7 empath companion eBooks.

There is a particular emphasis on using the vibrational healing power of Mother Earth through exploring shamanic tools and techn

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The Complete Empath Toolkit Program

Self-paced training program to Master Your Energy
and Reclaim Your Personal Power

Complete Empath Toolkit is a comprehensive self-study training program that is a proven 2-phase system of empath empowerment. You will learn to stop absorbing lower vibrational energy from others, end your addictive cycles of sabotage, clear and 'protect' your energy, and engage in strong communion with the Divine.

I've seen the positive results in my clients over the last 10 years as this program has impacted lives.

My name is Dr. Michael R. Smith, and I've been working professionally as a spiritual guide, doctoral trained counselor/psychologist, and energy medicine practitioner for over 20 years.

My goal is to help you as a sensitive individual to find YOUR OWN inner power
through amplifying your connection to Divine Source energy.

When you purchase, I am committed to helping you solve the 'riddles' that life throws at you.  

My program contains over 11+ hours of audio & video, along with written materials that include over 7 companion eBooks written specifically for empaths.

You will explore techniques and methods that help empower you to reclaim your power and energy.   Sponging energy from others?  Overwhelmed and don't know where to start?   Start here...and you will learn practical techniques to manage your energy.

In a survey of program members over the last 5 years, over 72% of program members have given it either a 9 or 10 (with 10 being the highest possible).   It's been my most popular program, with multiple thousands of participants joining the program over the last 10 years.  

Should I get the toolkit program or the Empath Academy course?
Each are different and unique experiences.  The Toolkit Program is designed for those who prefer an easy to complete self-paced program and is a great introduction to amazing techniques to help you feel your own energy.  No deadlines and no stress.   Listen or watch in your car - on the go - or while walking or exercising. It's super accessible, and yet also affordable.

The Empath Academy is a more personalized, intensive, and TRANSFORMATIVE "fast track" 5-week LIVE course where I will work with you personally each week.  You'll release deep-seated limiting patterns, as well as hidden unconscious beliefs that sabotage you.  Most of my clients have completed both programs.  

Get empowered now - Order here

The Empath Toolkit Program will help you to:

  • Prevent being overwhelmed by others low vibe energy.
  • Learn to stop absorbing energy and also to CLEAR the energy you've taken on.
  • Create proper boundaries with others to put yourself FIRST.
  • Overcome addictive behaviors that sabotage your progress.
  • Set protective boundaries energetically so you aren't tired or fatigued.
  • Uncord yourself from energy vampires (e.g. narcissists) to attract healthy relations.
  • Learn to love yourself unconditionally, as you are, without internalizing judgement.
  • Tap into an Divine source of intuition and spiritual guidance to make better decisions.
  • Embrace your empath experience as a blessing, not a curse.

Topics covered in detail:

  • How to release and heal suppressed emotions.
  • How to work with the critical ego (unconscious beliefs) and eliminate its influence.
  • Harnessing the healing power of the elements (Fire, Water, Earth, and Air, Ether).
  • Working with animal spirits /energies & how to dialogue with your animal guides.
  • Calling forth the energies of the planets & Cosmos for healing.
  • Learn how to work with Mother Earth/Gaia to harness the power of the plants & stones for healing.
  • Vagus Nerve 'hacks' and unique exercises to take you out of fight or flight response.
  • Stop attracting narcissists who drain you of your energy.  Learn how to spot & avoid them.
  • Strengthen your intuition to identify and KNOW Higher Truth and let go of doubt.
  • Engaging the 5 Pillars of Empowerment (so you aren't drained anymore).
  • Learn an exercise that allows you to see the human aura and energy field (it works with 80%).

and more...

  • How to stop absorbing others energy.  Why you do, and how to prevent it.
  • How to become embodied as a Divine Activator so you won't be harmed by others energy.
  • Using your spiritual powers to open and work with your 'assemblage point'.
  • The 5 Pillars of Raising your Vibration
  • Shadow work and why making friends with your dark side allows greater LIGHT.
  • The best foods to promote balance for sensitives.
  • How to use the tongue to eliminate trauma and old energy.
  • Creating your own personal shield.
  • What is a retro empath (sometimes known as heyoka) and why it's so important.
  • Reflexology - powerful exercises specific for sensitive people.
  • Techniques to clear chakras and your aura.
  • The best stones & crystals to fine tune and balance your sensitivity.
  • The 'Law of the Cure' and how to use it to clear negative energy.
  • Male vs. Female energy and why it's important for sensitive people.
  • How to talk to your organs - and have them respond.
  • How to harness the power of the breath to calm the VAGUS NERVE.
  • The connection between sensitivity & adrenal fatigue, and fight or flight.
  • How to use Rajasic and Tamasic energy to eliminate trauma.
  • How to merge consciousness and engage the elemental spirits (fire, air, water & Earth).
  • How to overcome food addiction or sugar/salt cravings (e.g. emotional eating).

All of the material includes practical, useful, and extremely powerful techniques for you to master your energy. Whether you have just found out you're an empath or sensitive person, or if you have been traveling on this road for a while, you’ll find knowledge, comfort and power in this work.

"Hi Michael, ever since your live call last week I’ve been much more centred and feel like myself again. I waited a few days to see what transpired and it’s like a heavy cloud that was over me lifted. So whatever energy you channeled for us was spot on."
-Jewel, Australia

"Michael!  I just watched your 2 hour mentoring summit.... wooooow! You are A GIFT ❤  I feel sooooo different now, after watching this, it's as if I participated live with the group. I resonated with everyone's input and with your input. I feel so grateful for this connection."

- Susan, Texas
“I am reading and listening to the Toolkit and miracles are already happening.  I am hanging on every word. The techniques are amazingly powerful.  You covered so many items that have been percolating in my consciousness. Thank you for sharing your wisdom for an affordable price.”

- Jayne P.
"I feel stronger, and more in control,not only of my OWN emotions, butalso those I take in from others. What once felt like a heavy heart now feels like a ticklish whir in my chestmost of the time. This is a must-have for all empaths."

- Jan Freer, Michigan

The Complete Empath Toolkit gives you:

  • Designed for those who like self paced programs.  No stress (& super accessible interface).
  • Ever expanding library of 13+ hours of video & audio
  • Most videos and audios are downloadable to watch offline (while on the go or exercising)
  • Discuss lessons & share your experiences with other empaths in our online web portal.

Full details are down below...

Order The Complete Empath Toolkit Program:

Instant access to life transforming material - eBooks, audio & video.  

  1. After purchase, you'll be sent an email to set up your account and gain instant access.
  2. Optional Mobile App to access your materials.

What's in the Toolkit?

212 page ebook
The Complete Empath Toolkit Ebook
~ 212 page ebook
  • A Guide to Spiritual Empowerment for Sensitive People
  • Increasing Awareness And Energy Perception
  • The Body's Energy Awareness Center
  • Clearing the Body of Stagnant Energy
  • How to engage your Psychokinesis (yes, it's real).
  • Divine Balance and Existing Between Worlds
40 minute audio recording - mp3 format
Shifting the Paradigm and Rewriting your Story
~ 36 minute audio recording (mp3)
  • The radical paradigm shift that will change the way you view your life as a sensitive person.
  • How banning 6 "off-limits" words in your vocabulary will make your life easier.
  • How to tap the power of your two additional "brains" & go beyond the ego.
  • A structured meditation to dialogue with and open your heart chakra.
  • How to alleviate empathic & spiritual suffering through the burden cure.
11+ hours of audio & video training-
The Best of Dr. Michael Smith's Seminars& Classes~
  • Releasing Self Judgements & Critical Self Talk (90 minute audio)
  • Become the Walking Stargate - Invoking your I AM Presence (75 minutes)
  • Understanding the times of Ascension & Spiritual Awakening (1 hour)
  • How empaths can embrace the Natural World & Indigenous Perspectives with medicine woman Granddaughter Crow (1 hour).
  • How to amplify your intuition & connection to Spirit
1 hour video training
Identity, Boundaries & Relationships Video Course
  • Why do empaths struggle with identity and how can we control our "chameleon" instinct?
  • How to train people to not violate our boundaries?
  • What is the underlying  empaths seem to attract certain types of relationships?
  • What are the 7 core components of a healthy relationship (and why it is more difficult for empaths to sustain them)?
Ebooks to develop high-vibration practices
4 Energy Engaging Ebooks for Empaths
  • 122-page digital guide provides "111 Ways to Raise Your Vibration" — mind-body-spirit activities you can easily do almost anywhere.
  • 28-page guidebook reveals the common "Energy of Empath Relationships" and how we can shift the energy to allow for more openness.
  • "Learning to See the God in Everyone" offers creative exercises for shifting into a God-perspective.
  • "Energy Skills for Empath Adults" offers incredible ways to protect your energy as an empath.
Illustrated guidebook
Morning & Evening Energy Routines
  • The Morning Energy Routine offers exercises to help increase awareness, strengthen energy boundaries, and build resilience so you can have a more "on purpose" day.
  • The Evening Energy Routine practices will help you sleep better, reset your energy system and boost your spiritual connection.
  • 50+ page mobile-friendly guidebook with adorable illustrations and uplifting content.

Testimonials from Authors & Experts

"Dr. Michael isn’t just going to help you get rid of the burden, he is going to give you a way to open yourself up to more possibility in the life you create while freeing yourself from strain.There is so much positive impact!"

- Kristen Howe, Law of Attraction Expert

"Michael, you are doing beautiful work. A sensible and grounded approach that leads to a greater understanding of our true design."

- Sonia Choquette,
NY Times Bestselling Author

of Trust Your Vibes.

"Totally life changing!  Michael shares brilliant techniques. His profound knowledge is truly a gift to the world."  

- Debra Poneman,
Bestselling author and speaker.

Read all Testimonials

Order The Empath Toolkit Program:

Instant  access to 13+ hours of training

After purchase, you'll be sent an email to set up your account.
Contact Michael here.

"After searching and searching (I have always been so particular about who I employ to help me on my spiritual journey!) I found Michael; and after meeting him for the first time - there was no doubt I had found an extra special soul/teacher/healer. He IS the real deal - he is a highly skilled and empowered Empath who walks the walk and the talk.  I highly recommend the Toolkit, it is such a powerful guide and ally for all Empaths and/or highly sensitive souls.   For me, purchasing the Toolkit has been a life changer, a true GIFT and a blessing. ”
- Darleen Rose, New Zealand

"It's like food for the soul.  My life now makes sense.  
My friends too are blown away by the information and the tools.  Bless you Michael for the work that you have done on behalf of all empaths and for sharing your wisdom."
- Kim, Australia
"Michael, this is amazing!  I can't believe you put this together in such a comprehensive way.  I am astonished. Something shifted, and the information is really potent.
- Karla, UK
"I ordered the Empath Tool kit a few weeks back, and it is literally saving my life!  I cannot believe how effective some of the techniques are (like the quarter thing! OMG!).  Thank you for everything you are doing!"
- Vikki, NC