Release stress, Raise Your Vibes & Create Magic!

Your soul tribe awaits you.....for Empaths & Highly Sensitive People

Take the Quiz...

Welcome home empaths, sensitives, & lightworkers...

If you're one of us, you have highly sensitive spiritual, emotional, and energetic perception. Sometimes it may seem like you are an energy sponge. You can learn tconnect to your Highest Self which will prevent you from being overwhelmed by other people.

My name is Michael Robert Smith, I'm a doctoral trained therapist, spiritual guide, and healing practitioner. I am so grateful to welcome you to our community of over 200,000 beautiful souls, of which I have had the Joy of facilitating since 2007.

I am excited to invite you to join my 6-month spiritual mentorship program, MAGIC & MIRACLES mentorship.  You become a part of my inner circle as we work together to create your dreams.

Join 11 soul family empaths for the next online EMPATH ACADEMY fast track empowerment intensive, in SEPT 2024.

Follow me on Instagram where I post regular videos-  and also you are invited to join 25,000+ weekly readers of my inspirational "Monday Messages"


I offer one hour sessions devoted to evidential mediumship. Hear loving messages with specific details such as the names, dates, and personal memories that only you and your loved ones know.  These sessions are profoundly healing and cathartic for all involved.

Learn more & purchase

Empowerment Program

Take charge of your energy so that other people don't drain you with this 5-module self paced program. My most affordable program will deliver amazing results and you'll start to feel your OWN sparkling energy.


Are You An Empath? Take the Quiz

This quick 10-question self test will help you discover if you are an empath – and if so, what type of empath are you?

Get Started

On-Demand Program:
Share your Gifts & Earn a Great Income

Transcend fears to step into your power as a Lightworker or healer. Learn a completely unique STEP BY STEP method for making an abundant living.

Register NOW for our new ON-DEMAND program that includes live personal mentoring from Michael.


Personal Spiritual Guidance & Mentoring with Michael R. Smith, Ph.D.

Open your connection to Source, move past challenges, & get clarity on your purpose in sacred space with Michael in one of his private session packages.


A Sedona Celebration
Coming Summer 2025

New dates for 2025 events will be announced soon! Join in a radically transformative Spiritual experience in Sedona, Arizona. This event is limited to 8 individuals.  


Want to Connect with Kindred Empath Spirits?

Up-level your consciousness with THE EMPATH SANCTUARY community and have fun doing it! Monthly 'playshops,' and personal guidance for a year.

Join the Empath Sanctuary Community