The Empath Sanctuary

An intimate community of soul family....
Coaching, mentoring & playshops to strengthen
your empath & spiritual Gifts

with Michael Smith, Ph.D.

Join as Lifetime Member -scroll to bottom

Michael Smith welcoming you to the Empath Sanctuary

You're Invited....

To discover what your life can feel like when you revel in your AUTHENTIC Divine expression.

This is one of our most intimate programs, designed for those empaths who are committed to raising their vibration in a supportive community with other empaths just like you.....

In our community, you'll:

* Release burdens & struggles...
* Stop absorbing low vibe energy
* Ignite your intuitive, psychic & spiritual gifts
* Receive clarity on your life purpose...
* Activate your Divine Blueprint
We welcome you as a lifetime member! Scroll below for pricing

The Empath Sanctuary Membership Community

now more than ever...

The days of the lone wolf empath taking on the burdens of the world are OVER...

Thank God.  

The Empath Sanctuary exists to facilitate your movement into your Divine Self.   If you're ready to up-level into Higher Consciousness, this is your community.

For those that have been wondering - "where are my people?"  - well, look no further.  Right here, you've found your tribe of fellow empath oracles, visionaries, and spiritual ninjas with a healthy dose of play and fun thrown in for good measure.

Once you join, you'll receive support and coaching that will help you stop absorbing so much low vibe energy from other people.  You'll also IGNITE your intuitive and spiritual gifts.  During every event we will practice exercises that will strengthen your intuition and connect you to Source & Spirit.

The Empath Sanctuary is designed for those who are fully READY to commit to receive one full year of support, nurturing, growth, expansion, and coaching.  It's a FUN and playful community.   

 Our monthly live events are usually attended by around 12-13 people, so there is a level of sacred intimacy to share (and be mentored personally).

Welcome home. You've earned your freedom.

I look forward to welcoming you as an LIFETIME member!  You get to work with me, personally, and be mentored by Spirit and your team, FOREVER - for one low price. (See below - scroll to bottom).

" Tears became laughter, weakness became strength, blurred Channels became clear, strangers became lifelong friends.   Michael is the embodiment of a Lightworker and an "Angel" in a human body! He is so obviously tuned in to the Divine at all times. He listens deeply with all 6 senses to each group member whilst simultaneously channeling from the Divine. That was a wonder to behold for me and I believe for all of us! There was no doubt that you can comfortably share "anything" about yourself and have him hold space  with unconditional love and acceptance." - JUDY JOHNSON
"Michael's energy is incredibly high vibrational so it resounds across your energy field.   Raising your vibration by being in the company of an extraordinarily high vibrational teacher is one of the reasons people go to ashrams in Tibet, India, etc. His energy is very balanced so it will balance yours out, as well. That was why ascended masters like Christ and Buddha manifest such profound changes in people just by being in the room. Thus, please consider signing up with Michael. It may well be one of the most wonderful experiences of your life." - Carissa Schumacher, Channel for Yeshua & NY Times featured author of THE FREEDOM TRANSMISSIONS
"If you're on the fence about this, I can personally vouch how life-changing this has been for me. Michael is such a gifted, compassionate, loving, and safe teacher. I am friends with my fellow classmates because you grow so close to them. Do it! You won't be disappointed."  
- Patricia Morris
""Transformative and unlike anything I have ever experienced. A culmination of true human interaction, time and space with my higher self and with that of others.  A peace with what is, a removal of expectation and fear for what may be, and an openness and space to just be right now. - T.G
"Life changing! If you are considering it, I highly recommend going for it! It was amazing how quickly our group connected so deeply. The experience has opened me up, gave me clarity and catapulted me forward. The practical and empowering skills have been invaluable! I recommend you do what you can to participate; it's an amazing gift to your body, mind and spirit ... and to the world :)"
"I struggle to find the words to articulate what being part of this has meant to me.  It's changed my life. I feel so surrounded by love and peace. The tools I will use for the rest of my life, but there is also a whole higher level of learning.  For those considering, I urge you to register!  You will be so glad that you did. Michael leads gently, creating a comfortable environment, and is so down to earth.  The group members are so gifted and generous with their gifts and we now share a strong bond." - S. G.

Activate your Divine Blueprint...
in a community that GETS you. 

You're invited to uplevel your consciousness, bring more Light into your life in an engaging and FUN environment designed to liberate you from the doldrums of 'ordinary' life.


your original Divine blueprint. Ready for the next level YOU? This is it.


your challenges, burdens, and egoic mind. Life is meant to be playful, joyous, spontaneous.


& play with fellow spiritual Wizards.

"Michael's work has changed my life. I feel so surrounded by love and peace. There is also a whole higher level of learning.   Michael creates a comfortable environment in which the shyest of us feel we can share. He leads gently and is so down to earth and I appreciate feeling so safe.   The group members are so gifted and generous with their gifts and we now share a strong bond. Thank you so much."
- S. G.

Live Monthly Online 'Playshops' & Celebrations

Over, zoom, explore and connect to topics that fascinate the mind, stimulate the intellect, and open your Connection to Source.

Each monthly 90-minute workshop/playshop, scheduled on Mondays and Tuesdays at 8 pm Eastern, will explore topics that will help uplevel your energy so that you can face the challenges of today's world without drowning.....and no matter what your level of awakening, you've got a home here to explore in playshops.

Unleash the real YOU.

MONTHLY MAGIC: Live Coaching with Michael

Several times each year, join your fellow witches, wizards, oracles, and magicians for some real life'll be stirring the cauldron of spirit....and magnetizing yourself to incredible transformation.  

You'll receive 'on the spot' personal coaching and mentoring that will help you identify and release the limiting beliefs, patterns and behaviors that hold you back. In doing so, you'll magnetize yourself to the life that has already been painted for you beyond the veil.

Real life alchemy!

Restoration  Retreats

Several times each year, join our meditation events for a place to unwind & connect with your Soul.  These Sunday evening online retreats are a gentle invitation to decompress, unwind the mind, and join in an amplified group energy field of meditation and consciousness.

Pure Presence. Pure Essence, Pure Source.  

Dynamic Video/Audio Boot Camps & Trainings

Receive on-demand training with Dr. Michael Smith's HUGE library of MAGIKAL materials for you to sink your teeth into.

Pure magic.

"Michael...tonight in the Sanctuary was amazing and just what I needed.  I have been feeling completely lost and out of touch, even doubting myself as an empath. Spirit really moved through all of us tonight!   You knocked it out of the park."
- Linda

The Empath Sanctuary is your ALL ACCESS PASS:

  • Feel connected to the Universe, nurtured, seen and supported.
  • Step into your own power, experience true self love, & realize that you are worthy as you are.
  • Receive clarity on your life purpose to help and Serve others as a Light Anchor.
  • Create healthy boundaries so that you preserve and protect your energy.
  • Tap into a Divine source of intuitive and spiritual guidance to receive clarity.
  • Release addictions like food, overthinking, over-working, and unhealthy relationships.
  • Activate more abundance in all forms (health, financial, relationships) as you vibrate higher.
  • Release a lifetime of limiting thoughts, beliefs, and emotions.
  • Drop into the FLOW to experience ecstatic liberation and freedom

Selected Topics of our Themed Playshops:

  • Intuition Explosion: How to Trust in your Gifts and Erase Doubt
  • Mediumship Decoded: Practice your Skills to hold space for others
  • Sacred Sexuality: Cultivating your Life Force for Energy & Consciousness
  • Becoming the Dreamer:  Seeing Beyond the Veils with Guidance from Above
  • The Power of NO:  Putting Self First and Creating Boundaries with Others so you're never Drained Again.....
  • Empath Boot Camp: How to Stop Absorbing so much Gross Energy from other People & the World
  • Radical Self Love and Personal Power by Activating your Divine Blueprint through the Power of Ceremony
  • Eliminating Narcisissts & Energy Vampires:  How to prevent their destructive influence & de-cord from energy vampires
  • Essential protection techniques, energy skills for empaths, the power of forgiveness, sacred relationships, soul contracts, indigenous healing wisdom/ceremonies....and more.....
What can I expect as a member of the Empath Sanctuary?

This is a community space founded/facilitated by Michael R. Smith, Ph.D, one of the earlier pioneers in bringing consciousness to empaths and sensitives. In our community, you'll feel supported, seen, and nurtured in a safe and expansive container with other empaths just like you - and you will be personally coached by me in the group format. In coming together in community, your prayer/intention to the Universe with is amplified EXPONENTIALLY. You will receive deep personal support and transformation through our regular monthly live coaching calls, retreats, and themed events.

What is expected of me as a member?

When you join, we ask you to COMMIT to attending as many LIVE events as possible with cameras on. Live attendance is imporant to uplevel in the energy vortex we create because we do ask you to (gently) hold space for others as well. We want you to have fun, to share stories of your life experiences, and ask questions as you expand and grow.  We ask you to support your fellow community members, to participate in our playshops and retreats.

What is the difference between the Empath Sanctuary & The Empath Academy?

If you desire a live course that will raise your vibration QUICKLY, along with personal connections, then choose the Empath Academy.  It's my most 'fast track' and intensive program to help you rapidly release limiting beliefs and behaviors that hold you back from embodying your Divinity.

The Empath Sanctuary is just as effective and a fantastic way to receive consistent support to help you release your challenges over a longer length of time.  The Sanctuary is designed for continuous and sustained support, nurturing and coaching as you move along your journey and will provide the STABILITY that you need in order to stay Balanced as the world changes (dramatically).

How long is my membership active & what is the refund policy?

We attract only the most COMMITTED empaths and lightworkers. We will only accept those indiviuduals who are ready to attend our live events, contribute to the group energy, and leave the challenges of being an empath behind. If you are ready to 'uplevel' consciousness and receive a more consistent connection to your Higher Self and the Divine, then you are welcome to join. Because of your commitment, there are no refunds.

Can I participate if I'm in another part of the world?

Absolutely.  Most playshops, retreats, and live events will take place at 8 pm Eastern time and run 90 minutes.  This is ideal for the United States/Mexico/Canada as well as parts of Asia and Australia/New Zealand (NOON Melbourne time on Thurs mornings).  It is less ideal for Europe - however, if you don't feel like getting up in the middle of the night, you'll have immediate access to all the live event recordings. Use this time converter (use 8pm New York, New York time to convert to your area).


LIFETIME Membership



Monthly Workshops/Playshops
* Live Coaching & guidance
* Amazing community synergy
* Meditation events

* First 5 get a 60-minute session with Michael
($350 value) 

* First 10 get 60-days of Energy Transmissions
(A commitment from Michael & Spirit to you).

* All online events — Mondays or Tuesdays @ 8pm Eastern

Bonuses Included: 
*The Complete Empath Toolkit Program ($150)
* EXCLUSIVE collection of Michael Smith's
past workshops (since 2010)

Your lifetime member fee can be split into 2 payments if needed
