Spiritual Guidance & Healing Energy Sessions

Scroll to bottom for ANNUAL Session Sale with Dr. Michael R. Smith

Empower Yourself with Spiritual Guidance & Mentoring with Michael Smith, Ph.D.

I am so grateful and excited that you are considering working with me in the sacred space of a private session.

My name is Michael R. Smith, and the professional 'deets' are thus:  I am a former educational psychologist, counselor, spiritual medium, author, and a practitioner of indigenous healing arts and energy medicine.  I have had the great joy to facilitate personal transformation for empaths & sensitive people full time since 2007. It's true that my work has reached millions worldwide, and for that I am both dumbfounded and grateful.

Whatever private session option you choose, you will amplify and strengthen your connection to Spirit/Source and the Divine energy that is available for all of us.    When you do, you won't experience dissonant energies anymore, such as absorbing others energies, overthinking, doubting, or using addictions to cope.

I have developed a style of personal exploration that will help you get 'unblocked' so that you can gain more beauty, joy and Peace instead of worrying, stressing, or overthinking.  Each session you will receive a transmission of Divine Source healing energy that will uplift you physically and emotionally - as well as bringing you into a Peace state where you have few thoughts.

I serve as a mirror for all the parts of you that want to be seen, heard, witnessed, acknowledged, appreciated, and respected. I give physical voice to all the parts of you that are hidden and unconscious - including receiving guidance from your Higher Self and soul, which is always a fun and exciting.  You'll learn how to access your Higher Self in any moment and learn to Trust the guidance.  

Sessions are always based around your needs.  And that changes every day. Sometimes I act as a catalyst, sometimes a grounding rod, sometimes a 'medium', sometimes a 'spirit guide', and sometimes a therapist.

I listen and feel very closely to your soul essence to help us discern what it is that you are asking for, underneath any confusion. As a result, your sessions will bring you CLARITY.

True growth doesn't happen in comfort. You can manifest the things you seek, and it does require facing the subconscious limiting thoughts and beliefs (e.g. your 'wounding') head on. We do address those obstacles in session, and we offer a way to alchemize those burdens and turn them into GOLD.

What are you seeking from the Universe?   After you book a session, this will be the first question I ask you on your new client intake form.  It's the foundation of our work together.

We are all one, and I look forward to meeting you and creating beauty together!      

Scroll down to the Blue section for ANNUAL Sale on Spiritual Guidance Sessions.

The Benefits of Private Spiritual Mentoring:

  • Massive support from both the 3D (Michael) & the 5D (your guides) to help you co-create your dreams and aspirations.  We will create a non-overwhelming action plan.
  • Begin to learn and practice The Elevation Protocol, a revolutionary channeled set of instructions from the Divine that will allow you to raise your vibration quickly
  • Feel YOUR own grounded energy in a safe and loving environment.
  • Goal setting and accountability for forward momentum.
  • Get clarity on your life purpose and how to help others.
  • Receive wisdom and guidance from your Higher Self and your Spirit Guides,, including energy transmissions to heal and raise your vibration.
  • Overcome self-sabotaging addictions (food, substances, overthinking).
  • Learn intuition development strategies & trust your intuition.
  • Personal mastery and experience your own consciousness and thinking. Here's a video of Melinda, who experiences the breakthroughs that result from this work.

BIG BOLD BRAVE - Fall 2024

Spiritual Guidance Intensive Mentoring

with Dr. Michael R. Smith

You've realizing that you've been playing small, until now.....And perhaps you've been procrastinating or feeling unmotivated, indecisive, confused, or unclear.

And that small still voice inside is asking you to STEP IT UP - so that you can experience clarity, better manifesting, and stronger feelings of purpose, excitement, passion - along with an igniting of your intuitive gifts.   When you commit to this program, you will ignite more abundance, physical health, and soul-level relationships into your life..  You will notice incredible shifts in your Earthly, 3D life starting the moment you sign up.

And I, and the Universe, are DELIGHTED to meet you halfway.
   You're invited to revel in one of the most intensive private coaching and mentoring programs I offer.

In this program I offer, exclusively, WEEKLY sessions (3 per month) over a course of 2 months
so that your growth and transformation is sustained and solidifies, rapidly.   In a safe and intimate private mentoring experience, you'll unlearn old thoughts, habits, and behaviors that keep you small and safe and actually practice, both in and out of session, exercises that will open your connection to Source. Past traumas and energies that have kept you blocked that have been lingering in your energy field will be released and cleared due to the work we do together.

As a result, you receive incredible openings that allow you to co-create the magical life that you are seeking, with improvements in friendships, work/career, finance, romance, and physical health (You will learn the Elevation Protocol, a channeled set of NEW instructions to raise your vibration through physical health).

I myself act as a medium and retrieve information from your SOUL and SPIRIT TEAM for you every session.  You already have everything inside of you.  Your guides provide gentle wisdom and loving guidance every session (I like to call them 'nudges') - to keep you on track and full of energy and Spirit.

When you join this program, you have my absolute spiritual commitment.  I begin working with your energy behind the scenes and use the Divine gifts that I have been entrusted with to open doors in the 5D realm so that your 3D life will improve.  

While I can't guarantee any type of particular spiritual experience, it is quite common as a result of your initiation to start to see colors in your field of vision, experience wonderful synchronicities, and receive spontaneous psychic/intuitive downloads that will open you to your inherent creativity.   ‍

This program is designed only for those who are committed and devoted to taking ACTION.

When you commit to communing with Spirit, then you experience the following:

Radical Peace
Physical Health
Financial abundance
Better Professional/Career Experiences
Amazing soul-level relationships.


* 60-minute weekly sessions (3/ per month)  -
with 30 minutes of remote energy work prior to session.
* Weekly inspired action assignments (from your Guides)
* Advanced spiritual teachings & lessons
* Soul Readings each session 
(I will serve as a doula/medium for the information that your soul is ready to bring into your consciousness).
* Learn the Elevation Protocol, a channeled set of instructions from the Divine to raise yor vibration.
-  Consistent (daily) energy work in the spirit realm will open doors on a spiritual and energetic level.
* 3 months complimentary membership in the Empath Sanctuary -
our work together will be enhanced when you participate in our group playshops, meditations, and events.
*  Discounted invitation to REDWOOD FOREST & PACIFIC OCEAN spiritual journey
near my home June 3-6, 2025.   Meet for 4 days of spirit ceremony in an intimate small group with others like you. I extend this invitation for $2500 (normally $2900).  All lodging and food is included, you are just responsible for your airfare and travel.
I am accepting up to 1 more member into the program for FALL 2024.  

When will we meet on Zoom?
We will meet together Fridays at Noon Eastern.   Your session time will be consistent from week to week throughout our time together. If you absolutely cannot meet on any of that  day, there is a chance I can create a spot on Mondays between Noon and 8:30 pm Eastern time.

For the Friday slot, you can choose a start time that is at either 1 pm Eastern time or Noon eastern time, with earlier being preferred.


Your investment and exchange is listed in the blue box near the bottom of this page.  Payment can be split into 4 monthly payments if desired and the first payment is requested within 48 hours of acceptance into the program.   Priority is given to those applying earlier.

Get ready to manifest at a level you have not yet experienced.. all while experiencing a healthy dose of fun, Joy, laugher and play.

"Working with Michael was a truly wonderful experience!  He identified my spirit guides and then taught me how to connect with them through signs, channeling, and clairvoyance. His education combined with indigenous training give him a unique perspective and his high vibrational energy enabled spirit to bring forth guidance for physical & emotional healing. Michael was patient when I didn't understand a new concept and gentle when I was releasing trauma.  He answered my questions about my spiritual awakening and taught me techniques to release my need for control and trust my guides. I am so thankful for the time we spent together.  - LAURA
"Michael's energy is incredibly high vibrational so it resounds across your energy field.   Raising your vibration by being in the company of an extraordinarily high vibrational teacher is one of the reasons people go to ashrams in Tibet, etc. His energy is very balanced so it will balance yours out, as well. That was why ascended masters like Christ and Buddha manifest such profound changes just by being in the room. Thus, please consider signing up with Michael. It may well be one of the most wonderful experiences of your life."
- Carissa Schumacher, Channel for Yeshua & NY Times author of
"I would do it again in a heartbeat. Weaknesses became strengths and blurred Channels became clear.   Michael is the embodiment of a Lightworker and an "Angel" in a human body! He is so obviously tuned in to the Divine at all times. He listens deeply with all 6 senses to each group member whilst simultaneously channeling from the Divine. That was a wonder to behold for me and I believe for all of us! There was no doubt that you can comfortably share "anything" about yourself and have him hold space  with unconditional love and acceptance." - JUDY JOHNSON
"THANK YOU SO MUCH for our exquisite session today. Our session was the equivalent for me of hundreds of sessions with my beloved friend, Asia. The work is presented on a completely different plane. Your energy is so deeply connected to the Divine. What a blessing you are to the world. Deep bows & Namaste"

- Suzie G.

Spiritual Guidance & Mentoring

SESSION - Spiritual Guidance & Mentoring

This is a one-on-one 60-minute recorded Zoom video session that includes 30-40 minutes of remote energy work performed prior to the call.  These are transformational healing sessions that are based on what you need. 

We aim to identify and release your mental and emotional blocks. We also connect you to Spirit live in session for a Transmission of Source energy that will uplift you. I also offer channeled guidance from your HIgher Self and Spirit Guides designed to help you understand your spiritual gifts (and also answer your questions about health, relationships, career, etc).

Plus you receive a boost of SOURCE energy in the background that will help your physical body heal and you will feel uplifted.

Click button to learn about Sliding Scale options.


Purchase Single Session

Of Intensive
Guidance & Healing Energy

Work with Michael in THREE (3) 60 minute private Zoom sessions  -  to step into your Power, practice your gifts, & open your connection to Spirit. Plus you will receive 30-40 min of remote energy work prior to each session. Designed for QUICK transformation and healing.  You receive direct SOURCE energy transmissions in the background that will help you physically and emotionall (you will feel calm and inspired from the energy alone).  

- Remove blocks & limiting beliefs
- Create NEW momentum toward physical health, romantic relationships, finances, and career.
- Practice your spiritual gifts LIVE
- Connect to your Spirit Team every session for wisdom
- Sessions are recorded

Can be split into monthly payments if desired.


Includes 30 min of energy work prior to each session  


Magic & Miracles 6-month Mentorship

Space is available for ONE more program member


What are your other SESSION options?


Once you make your payment (due at time of booking), you will receive an immediate automatic email to schedule your session(s) in your own time zone. Regular single session clients will usually have a 4-8 week wait, except in fall when it's around 2-4 weeks.

You can see my current availability here.

Check Availability


My 3-session spiritual guidance session package is $850 and will be QUICK transformation and healing.  You receive direct SOURCE energy transmissions in the background that will help you physically and emotionall (you will feel calm and inspired from the energy alone).  

I also work with your energy 30 min prior to the session and that is felt as well.

There is usually a 3-8 week wait for your first session to be scheduled, but after that you can schedule sessions every 2-3 weeks for optimal results.

Order 3-Session Package Now

These are new for 2024 and the price is higher because more is required of me, including hours of preparation energetically and conscious meditation to bring you accurate EVIDENTIAL mediumship with names and dates and even personal memories from your loved ones and friends in Spirit.
(Please email me about my current availability)



ONE HOUR single session

You can see my current availability here.

We connect on my Zoom video conferencing line. All sessions are recorded for later reflection.

Single sessions expire 4 months after purchase.  A payment plan is available for all options. By making payment, you agree that you are 100% committed and that there are no refunds.

You can read some of the comments about
the quality of my work here. 

Purchase Single Session- $190(FALL SALE)

Read more testimonials.

Michael you continue to be a blessing in my life....

I can not believe the growth. It was life changing for me! You are the most humble and giving soul. You lead by example, you are genuine and authentic. You want us to go within and learn to develop our own connection with Source. The Safe Space you create is healing and magical. Absolutely Amazing!

- L.M.

Working with you has saved my life....

That might sound a bit dramatic, but I mean it. I don't wake up in the morning feeling lost and full of despair any more. I love and appreciate you more than I know how to express.

- Niki

Michael's energy is incredibly high vibrational....

so it resounds across your energy field if you let it in.   Raising your vibration by being in the company of an extraordinarily high vibrational teacher is one of the reasons many people go to ashrams in Tibet, India, etc. His energy is very balanced so it will tend to balance yours out. That was why ascended masters like Christ and Buddha manifest such profound changes in people just by being in the room. The small little peak of conscious is what is discussed in sessions but there's a mountain going on beneath it..."

Carissa Schumacher , Channel for Yeshua and NY Times author of THE FREEDOM TRANSMISSIONS

The energies you create are so wonderful and beyond my comprehension.....

I have the most amazing update. I made the medicine wheel like you told me.... and set up a little bench for meditation right beside it.

On the first day that I walked the wheel backwards as you had instructed, I laid down on the bench to meditate and at some point I opened my eyes.

As I was looking at the sky, I started to notice a bunch of swirling spots of light against the blue sky near the trees just above me. I was like, what the hell is that? So I looked closer and I saw what looked like living dots of universal light swirling around.Upon closer inspection, they seemed to be thoughtfully feeding the trees,  

If that's not magical, I don't know what is! I've seen them three times now. My wish was granted - literally! I am SO grateful and happy.  I love and appreciate you more than I know how to express. THANK YOU!!

-Tara F.