8-week Intensive for Lightworkers Ready to Share their Gifts, Launch a Spiritual Business, & Make a Solid Income

SELF PACED with Personal & Group Mentoring

Class begins Mon. Nov 11, 2024

ON DEMAND PROGRAM - scroll down

Share your Healing Gifts with the world & Make a great living.....

Are you wanting to share your healing gifts but have been overwhelmed at how to start?  

Soulpreneur Startup will show you exactly, step-by-step, how to embody the CONFIDENCE and CLARITY to start your own business and earn a living doing what you were MEANT to do.

Ditch the soul sucking job....your new self-employed career is closer than you think (and you DON'T need additional training. Just follow our formula and plan).

This is a self paced program with live coaching:

8-Week Modules of Step by Step Planning and Preparation

Overwhelm at the thought of HOW to start your practice will be replaced with CALM and CLARITY. 

You'll likely start earning your first income within 60-75 days. And If you have already started your practice, you will receive more aligned clients. Those are the aspirations. I can't make any promises as to how much you'll earn, but you will practice rock solid strategies for taking the necessary steps needed to start THRIVING as a soulpreneur.

Your new career awaits your commitment....

WORK & Share your Gifts Professionally

You'll be magnetizing yourself to incredible evolution and growth.

This class is part magical ceremony in which you'll transcend fears and blocks, and then it's also part 'nuts and bolts' business strategy so that you can know EXACTLY what you need to do for success as a self employed business owner.

YOU'LL feel energy, freedom and liberation
in using your creativity to envision YOUR UNIQUE Divine Service that is an expression of your SOUL!


You're likely here reading this because you're right on the edge, feeling that soul call to make the leap into the unknown and start your own business in which you're actively using your spiritual gifts.  

You've likely been feeling the call to start or more deeply grow a spiritual or healing business, but until now, there has been confusion and a lack of clarity and confidence about how to do that.  Also, you may have been struggling with mental and emotional blocks that have held you back.....


* Old stories and programming that you're not worthy of money, charging a fee, or financial abundance.  
* Being concerned, worried, or downright scared about going 'public' with your gifts (e.g. "will my friends and family think I am crazy?").
* Being confused or overwhelmed at the thought of where (and how) to start a practice.

And because of these blocks, perhaps you've just been settling for a paycheck at a job that just 'pays the bills' but you KNOW it's soul sucking, draining, and is NOT what is meant for you.

In Soulpreneur Startup, which I believe is the most comprehensive program of it's kind, I am going to show you a concrete and step by step process to discover WHO you're meant to work with, HOW you will specifically practice, and WHAT you will charge in exchange for your services.

In short, you're going to get very specific and receive that CLARITY that has been eluding you, until now.

And you're going to do it all WITHOUT BEING OVERWHELMED.    It's all being presented in digestible chunks.

I am Michael Smith, and 15 years ago, I took the leap into starting my own business, Empath Connection.  And using my own creativity and diligence, I have been able to serve and help literally millions of people worldwide, (which still shocks me to this day).

In this program, I aim to help you do something just as important and valuable:  to serve exactly how you are MEANT to Serve and to do it according to your Divine Blueprint.

This 8-week online intensive mentorship program that includes personal menoring that will help you to fully embody the rock-solid confidence so that you can unapologetically share your gifts with the world, and earn a great living doing it. (And when you join, I am eager and excited to share your work with my community of 200,000).

Register NOW 

The benefits of Self Employment:


to enjoy work on YOUR terms.  Work when you want...and then PLAY when you want. 


You'll feel great reward knowing that you are Serving others and doing what you are MEANT to do.


Being self employed allows you to channel your creativity to enact your vision for your work and life....

YOUR 8-week course CURRICULUM:

  • 1) Laying the Groundwork –Channeling Your Divine Authority.  You'll learn why you DON'T need certification or additional education.  You'll learn about how you have been UNIQUELY designed to Serve by working with your Divine Blueprint.
    2)  Your Niche –Using your Unique Story to Attract those you're MEANT to Serve.
    Locating clients by recognizing that they are just another version of you in a different body. Once you get clear and specific on WHO you will be serving, then the Universe will bring you those people who NEED your unique 'medicine'.
    3)  Being Seen: Moving Past Fears of Judgment –
    You will experience the confidence to fully embody your authentic self and share that with others without fear.
    4)  Relationship to Money, Income,and Finances –
    You will magnetize yourself to financial abundance.  Whether you've been practicing 'on the side' or part-time, this module will help you remove blocks to earning more income.
    5)  Clarifying your Format & Pricing –
     You'll gain the confidence in deciding what specific offerings and formats your work with clients. Groups?  Private sessions?  Online courses? Webinars? Books?  And you'll find the pricing sweet spot so that you can earn a solid income.
    6) Marketing can be relaxing!
      When you use marketing to channel your creativity, as opposed to 'selling,' you naturally attract the right people that you are meant to serve.  You'll have the specific exercises to release all pressure about marketing.
    7) The Nuts &Bolts –
    Social Media, Mini-Website Creation, Advertising, building an engaged audience, Networking, Email List, How to Gain Clients. creating free offerings.  You'll have a simple 1-page website up, and learn the specific laser targeted keywords and language that resonate with your audience. You'll learn who to target to help you share your work.
    8) DEALING with Setbacks – As your business grows and evolves, it is important for soulpreneurs to recognize the necessity of trial and error and actually plan for uncertainty.
    9) Putting it All Together –
    Wrapping up everything with a tidy bow, By the time this class is over, you'll already have established your online and/or physical presence and attracted your first clients.

Tuition includes the following:

  • This is a SELF PACED program - with LIVE mentoring - Each week you'll receive a NEW two-hour video lesson along with class summaries and inspired ACTION assignments.
  • Two group coaching LIVE online mentoring sessions with Michael Smith, Ph.D. and your fellow classmates. First session is Mon Nov 11, 2024 and the second is Mon Jan 20, 2025 at 8:15 pm Eastern.
  • 60-min private guidance & mentoring session with Michael Smith, Ph.D. ($350 value) to be scheduled within 6-9 weeks of your joining the program.
  • Real time LIVE access to Michael Smith and your fellow classmates, where you will receive REAL TIME guidance and mentoring inside our private online community.  Receive personal mentoring & access to Michael through WhatsApp voice texts.
  • Practical, non-overwhelming weekly action  exercises to keep momentum.
  • Permanent access to video recordings and handouts.
  • You receive Michael's comittment to SHARE your work via his following of 200,000+ people.
  • Free access to the Empath Sanctuary membership community for 4 months.  ($300 value)  This is an additional way to receive personal support WHILE you are completing your modules.
"Absolutely worth every penny!  The Soulpreneur Course was just what I needed to move out of the rut of NOT DOING into sharing my gifts with the world.  I was in a rut and felt insecure.  A lawyer by profession but a  healer by birthright, Soulpreneur assisted me in accepting my soul's calling and my gifts of healing. Michael will guide you to step into your power and do what you were meant to do, and make money along the way."  
- Krystal Thompson, Soulpreneur participant, 2023
"By enrolling in the Soulpreneur program, I gained the confidence to fully commit to myself and Spirit.  And I am getting rewarded in return, I am learning and receiving some perks that I doubt I would have even considered. Best of all, I am actually getting paid! Before this program, I was selling myself short, I lacked the confidence to declare my worth. This last weekend, I co-facilitated a half day retreat, I spent the day doing all of my favorite things that fill me up with joy and I got paid for it! I ended my "work day" with a massive smile, peaceful energy and full of gratitude.
- Chrissy Miller
"Hello, lovely empaths, please sign up.... without hesitation.
It may well be one of the most wonderful experiences of your life."  

- Carissa Schumacher,
spirit medium/vessel for Yeshua, Sacred Spirit Illumination in Sedona, AZ.
"Wow, Soulpreneur is really resonating with me. Your techniques are great it feels like I really hear it now. I'm excited now, not as anxious. Every part you share feels so important - the group - the tech -the meditations, and the non-judgemental support. Thank you for your gifts!"
- Kat

"Michael's energy and enthusiasm, wisdom and guidance were the catalysts
that helped me break through some deep-seated obstacles to uncovering a more authentic way of being in all areas of my life/body: mentally, emotionally, physically and spiritually.  I am indebted to Michael. My life has been transformed and altered in ways that I could not have imagined." T.S.
" This has been just an amazing experience.  I know we have all grown from this experience.  Just life changing.  You have no idea. Being able to work this way is just huge, the other half of the coin that I was missing.
- Jennifer M.

Meet your instructor

Dr. Michael R. Smith

In 2007, Michael was going broke trying to make a living as an energy healer, and decided to create Empath Connection and serve exclusively as a spiritual guide for empaths. Since then, his work has reached millions of people worldwide.

He has published two books, logged 300+ media appearances, sold out retreats and cruises, and has a social media following of 175,000 on Facebook along with a 26,000+ member email list. His instagram videos have averaged around 200,000 views per month.  When you join Soulpreneur, you receive Michael's committment to share your work via his email and social media channels, bringing you added exposure.

He will be laying out a step by step program for you to follow so that you too can earn an abundant income from sharing your spiritual gifts and doing what you LOVE.

What you'll RECEIVE with the STARTUP program:


The Soulpreneur Startup program provides a grounding force so that you'll thrive instead of getting overwhelmed by the thought of starting a practice on your own.  You will receive step-by-step guidance that will launch your business in small, digestible chunks.


so that you'll reach your goals and eliminate procrastination. Who wants to do this by yourself?   This class will provide the accountability to keep forward momentum. There will be action assignments to keep you on track, and you'll access weekly exercises and homework from your private web portal.


to help you through personal challenges as you seek to embody your BOLD vision for your life and career. Everyone needs someone to hold the highest vision for us to overcome obstacles and manifest a thriving life and that's what you'll get throughout our 8-weeks together.


from your HIGHER SELF.  In this class, you will learn to take your CUES FROM SPIRIT and channel Divine Will. Learn where to take your gifts and possible next steps ....and this information is channeled from your Higher Self through in class exercises and in private mentoring with your instructor, Michael Smith.


You'll have an opportunity to work personally with me, Michael Smith, and I will help you achieve the CLARITY of vision for your practice. I will hold the Highest spiritual vision for you even when you don't necessarily believe it. I will ask you to stretch yourself outside of your comfort zone and hold the vision for the manifestation of your intentions.



8-weeks of SELF PACED modules with live coaching
On-demand, get started whenever you are ready.

Coaching starts on Mon. Nov 11, 2024 at 8:15 pm Eastern.

Payment plans as low as $250/month


    $977 US

    Self Paced LIVE Coaching Schedule

    GAIN instant access, whenever you are ready,

    Mentoring takes place
    with TWO group coaching classes listed below, PLUS one 60-minute personal mentoring
    session with Michael

    1. Class 1: Mon Nov 11, 2024 - 8:15 pm
    2. Class 2:   Mon. Jan 20, 2025 - 8:15 pm.

    Your personal session will be scheduled within 6-10 weeks of signing up for the program.

    SIGN UP for Soulpreneur:

    8-weeks of SELF PACED modules- take your time in a supportive and non overwhelming program.

    Payment plans as low as $250 per month.



      Easy pay plans available