IGNITE your Intuitive, Psychic & Spiritual Power
A 6-week intensive with Michael Smith, Ph.D.

NEW Start date:  Wed. Nov 1, 2023 at 8 pm Eastern.

Deadline is Oct 27 -scroll below

Imagine If...

You TRUSTED your intuition, rather than doubted it...

And you felt CONFIDENT about your intuitive abilities...

This is what you'll receive in our live 6-week premium spiritual intensive.

We call on Divine Source energy to raise your vibration so you can SEE, HEAR, KNOW, and SENSE, with clarity, the messages

‍You'll commit to achieving new momentum toward understanding your UNIQUE spiritual gifts and medicine.  All done in community with other empaths who are part of your soul family.

Class now begins on Wed. Nov 1, 2023 - 8 pm Eastern. - and finishes on Wed.Dec 13th.

PRICE DROP & Registration extended to Oct 27th,2023.

is a Premium LIVE Spiritual Intensive
IGNITE your Intuitive, Psychic & Spiritual Power

I gotta feeling...... that you're feeling ready to dig into the exceptional spiritual gifts that deep-down you know you have, but you haven't yet given yourself full permission to explore.   Perhaps you have had feelings of deja vu, felt Spiritual presences around you,had vivid dreams, heard voices or seen visions – and you're wondering, “what the heck do I DO with all this?”    

And maybe you struggle with an ever-present nagging voice of doubt inside your head,
which causes you to lose confidence and doubt your connection and accuracy in perception.  As a result, you may feel a bit deflated about all of it, asking things like “Am I makingthis up?”,   “What will my family and friends think?”, and “Am I safe from spiritual attack?”

Get ready to release your blocks and anxieties ....when you connect to Spirit realm, you CANNOT experience those energies. They are incompatibile with 5D energy.

If you are resonating with the above description, I've got incredibly good news...announcing my most exciting course yet – The SOUL SANCTUM SPIRIT SCHOOL.

In a deep dive over the course of six weeks together this autumn,
you will get the luxury of exploring your own unique spiritual 'medicine' and build a rock solid confidence in the intuitive and psychic gifts the Divine designed you to carry.

Notonly will you learn, with clarity and precision, new perspectives about your UNIQUE spiritual talents, but we will practice these gifts live in the class every week.  
In a totally safe and supportive environment, you will experience the truth that you are more gifted and accurate than your limited human egoic consciousness has given yourself credit for.   You will have 'a-ha' moments and discover that you carry an important, and specific, piece of the cosmic puzzle.

Once you have a full understanding of your spiritual powers and your SOUL CONTRACT, you will choose to engage those gifts only when it's helpful to you.....and you'll learn to set boundaries that protect your own energy.  And that includes boundaries with the Spirit world.  You don't always have to be 'on'.

This is a premium course
for those who are feeling that soul call to do the work necessary to explore, refine and practice their gifts of intuitive perception – and perhaps even use those gifts in a more intentional or even professional capacity.  

The class is broken down into easy-to-digest modules with outside of class action assignments, designed specifically so that it will notoverwhelm you.  Featuring both large and small group exercises, live 5D meditations, breakout rooms, accountability partners, and deep connection and community with your fellow high-vibe empaths, lightholders, and lightworkers.  

One of the most unique aspects of the course is that you will learn how to 'travel' between the 4th and 5th Dimensions of consciousness.  And while it may not by physically possible to enter the 5th Dimension, I have experienced that is IS possible to access the FEELING of that consciousness for sustained lengths of time.

Whether you are a seasoned veteran of intuition development or Spirit connection, or just getting started in your adventures, this class will give you new perspectives along with the motivation and accountability to intentionally connect with your Highest Self for both fun/pleasure, and for guidance and wisdom.

So...if you're ready to raise your vibration in a pure vortex of pristine Source energy so that you can more effortlessly see beyond the veils and communicate with your Spirit team, then I am here for you and the SOUL SANCTUM Spirit School awaits your commitment.

Registration closes on Fri Oct 27, 2023
"Michael's Empath Academy was amazing.  I didn't want it to end. Michael is an extraordinary teacher who thoughtfully crafted a powerful curriculum. He's so engaging and gives 100% of himself in this course. I felt honored to be a part of the sacred space he created. Thank you Michael and every one of my classmates for a wonderful time!  I'm so excited to continue learning and helping others with the information I received from this course."
- Christina Knowles
"This has been just an amazing experience.  I know we have all grown from this experience.  The energy work is just life changing.  You have no idea.  Before I used to try to calm down from books, and I had no idea I wasn't in my body. So being able to work this way is just huge, the other half of the coin that I was missing.
- Jennifer M.
"If you're on the fence about this, I can personally vouch how life-changing this was for me. I took this course exactly a year ago, and Michael is such a gifted, compassionate, loving, and safe teacher. I am still friends to this day with my fellow classmates because you grow so close to them. Do it! You won't be disappointed."  
- Patricia Morris
"Your course has been amazing. So worth it. I am strikingly calm - and I am certain the work I’m doing with you... and the service I’m doing to balance my serenity, give me a clear head, and the ability to stay in neutral— . Of particular use is E. N. D. —  an ever ready reminder that I get to choose. SO GOOD! 😂"  
- Deborah
"I participated in the Empath Academy with Michael and I have to say it was life changing! If you are considering it, I highly recommend going for it! It was amazing how quickly our group connected so deeply, the energy the group created together and how the experience opened me up, gave me clarity and catapulted me forward. The practical and empowering skills I learned to help navigate the world and my energy have been invaluable! I recommend you do what you can to participate in the upcoming group, it's an amazing gift to your body, mind and spirit ... and to the world :)"
Beth Rollison
"I struggle to find the words to articulate what being part of the empath academy meant to me. It changed my life. I felt so surrounded by love and peace. These tools I will use for the rest of my life, but there was also a whole higher level of learning.  For those considering future Empath Academies, with all my heart, I urge you to register!  You will be so glad that you did. Michael created a comfortable environment in which the shyest of us felt we could share. He led gently and was so down to earth and I appreciated feeling so safe.  He is so incredible.  The group members were so gifted and generous with their gifts and we now share a strong bond. Thank you, thank you. I will never forget the opportunity to be a part of the academy."
- Shanna G.,  Sandy, Utah

The Soul Sanctum Spirit School will help you to:

  • Embrace your intuitive power & spiritual gifts - learn about your UNIQUE medicine and the plan and blueprint that your Guides are unleashing for you.
  • Receive clarity on your life purpose to help and Serve others as a Light Anchor.
  • Create healthy boundaries, including with Spirit, to preserve and protect your energy.
  • Tap into a Divine source of clear intuitive and spiritual guidance  (learn what Spirit is asking of you -right now, and how they are specifically supporting you).
  • Activate more prosperity opportunities as you vibrate higher. You will receive in return 10X the energy of what you invest.
  • Discover your soul wound & release a lifetime of limiting thoughts, beliefs, and emotions.
  • Use your past lives not as a source of wounding, but a source of strength

COURSE TOPICS (loose outline):

  • Discovering & Communicating with your unique Animal Guides
  • How to Use Shamanic Dreaming to Serve the Divine
  • Developing & Refining Mediumship Skills
  • Revolutionary Intuition exercises to improve health (& finances)
  • What is a soul 'stellium' & how it radically influences your life.
  • Decoding the Universe through the Medicine Wheel
  • Learning your Soul Contract & your Purpose in this life
  • Communicate with your Spirit Guides & learn how they protect you.
  • Channel Spirit 'on the spot', confidently.
  • How to prevent psychic drain & attack
  • Discover your Past Lives & Use that for STRENGTH
  • Confidently performing 'readings' for others
  • Boundaries  & 'Turning 'off' spirit when you get overwhelmed
  • Spirit Ethics– what to do when we get 'knowings?'
  • Experience a powerful mini-Vision Quest experience, influenced by indigenous traditions.

The Soul Sanctum Spirit School includes:

  • Six 2.5 hour group sessions (with breaks) of exploration, energy work & new perspectives.  
  • Weekly ACTION Assignments to sustain momentum  (they won't overwhelm).
  • Weekly 5D meditation to receive pure Source energy transmissions
  • Recordings of each week's class in our online web portal.
  • Mobile App for on-the-go convenience and access to private, secure class recordings.
  • Community discussion forum & portal for between-class interaction.
  • Bonus Membership in the Empath Sanctuary for two months during class - you are welcome to attend the optional bonus classes.

Soul Sanctum Spirit School Registration:

Registration closes Oct 27th

  1. 1. Payment plan is available, if needed; pay in up to three payments.
  2. 2. No refunds.
  3. 3. Upon receipt of payment, you will be emailed instructions .
  4. Got questions? Email Dr. Michael Smith

Your investment:


NOVEMBER- Dec 2023 Class Schedule

NEW START DATE!   All classes start 8:15 pm Eastern

Wed Nov 1, 2023:  8 :15 pm to 10:30 pm Eastern.   The Nature of the Soul & Everything WOO
The role of Spirit Guides & how do they help?
What is the difference between intuition and Spirit communication?
Working with the 4th & 5th Dimensions
Exercises in breakout rooms

Wed. Nov 8, 2023:  8:15 pm to 10:30 p.m. Eastern   STAYING SAFE WHEN WORKING WITH SPIRIT
Identifying your UNIQUE Spiritual giflts
Removing fears & blocks
Ritual Protection
Your Soul Contract & Purpose in Life.

Wed. Nov 15, 2023 - 8:15 pm to 10:30 pm Eastern.   Building a Spiritual Alphabet & Learning the Language of Spirit . Using symbols and building a framework for clear understanding.

NOTE WE Skip Nov 22 - holiday in USA

Wed. Nov 29, 2023-  8 pm to 10 pm Eastern.    
Building a Spiritual Alphabet & Learning the Language of Spirit (continued).
Mediumship Development & practice

Wed. Dec 6, 2023:   8 pm to 10:30 p.m. Eastern
  Using shamanic dreaming and strategies to work with dreams for guidance.  Intuition Ethics.
Discovering your unique animal medicine/guides.

Wed. Dec 13, 2023 -8:15 pm to 10:45 pm Eastern
Communication with Angels & archetypes.
Spiritual Warriorship:  Using the Gifts for SERVICE
'Coming out' as WOO 

*Note that these topics are subject to change based on the flow of the course.

Frequently Asked Questions.

How will this course benefit me?

You will trust your intuition and you will recognize all the myraid ways that Spirit communicates with you every day.Your vibration will be raised so you can easily receive messages. I survey my people after every cycle, and over the last 4 years, over 75% of participants have given my classes the highest possible rating, stating that the course exceeded their expectations. Additionally, over 70% of my students have stated that they received more value than what they paid, while the other 30% stated they received value equal to what they paid.

Each step of the way, you are given simple exercises and weekly action assignments to hold you accountable for sustaining your progress. These are designed to be easy to complete.  You’ll be sharing with other empaths across the globe who will help you feel understood,validated, and supported. You'll learn that you CAN create boundaries and not be drained. MAGIC HAPPENS HERE. In fact, a magic and alchemy will begin the moment you make the decision to sign up. When you sign up, it's a huge sign to the universe that you are ready for something NEW and greater.

Who is Dr. Michael Smith? (e.g. I'm writing this maybe I should say, who am I?)

My name is Michael Smith, and I've been working professionally as a spiritual guide, psychologist, healing energy practitioner, & counselor for 20 years. My goal is to help you as a creative and intuitive empath step into your own energy and connect to your true Essence, which is Source. When you do, nothing can touch or hurt you and you can Serve others through your Light. And my Ph.D. doesn't mean too much, really.  It just means I took some steps and followed the doors the Universe opened for me, which I hope you'll do as well. I serve the Divine. The focus of my work has always been, and will continue to be, YOU.  And US.  Because we are all ONE.

How does the Spirit School work?

The school is a 6-week class, and more importantly, a spiritual CEREMONY. We call on Source and the Divine. Each session is a 2 to 2.5-hour VIDEO conference (Zoom).  Recordings will be made available for those that can't attend live.

We will have live workshop type exploration and discussion where I will lead you through a series of weekly exercises, each building on the others, and also to include your on-the-spot personal questions and interaction. We follow the energy and the 'flow' of the group.  We are One.  We move as One.  You'll experience that directly in this course.

What if I am shy?  What if I am not a group person?

If you're shy, perhaps the thought of sharing your voice and sharing your story in a group may terrify you.   If so, that's even MORE of a reason to sign up.   Growth and change almost always happens outside of your comfort zone.  So embrace that fear - it's an ally.  It's a friend.  It will lead you to the realization that there are others just like you.  Others who have the same experiences, the same fears, the same challenges, and yes, the same GIFTS and LIGHT.   

You'll feel so welcomed. Even the shyest empaths have reported that they felt safe, nurtured, and supported by myself and by the rest of the participants. It's a totally safe and loving space that we hold for you.

Can I participate if I'm in another part of the world?

Absolutely! We welcome those of you outside of the United States, and have had many participants from all parts of the world.

Our start time is 10 am Thursday in Sydney/Melbourne and NOON in Auckland, New Zealand * You are responsible for knowing the correct start time in your area.  Use this time converter to check on the time in your area.

Soul Sanctum Spirit School

Registration ends on Fri. Oct 27
New date:  Class starts Wed. Nov 1, 2023

  1. Use button to register (payment plan is available; split into THREE payments if needed).
  2. No refunds
  3. Upon receipt of payment, you will be emailed instructions.
  4. Got questions? Email Dr. Michael Smith

Read more testimonials.

Participating in the Empath Acadamy was one of the best things that I could have ever done for myself...

Michael and all the class participants brought in great group energy. They each brought in a piece of the puzzle that I needed to move myself forward and become the woman that I am intended to be.  Michael is a remarkable man and a fabulous teacher.  You will walk away from this class with the knowledge to be the true you without facing fear or judgment. The joy you will experience after attending this academy will be remarkable.  Do this for yourself!!

- Stephanie

Michael, the course had already been exceeding my best expectations...

when last night featured for me my own huge release of energy, with a climax of huge lighting-like energy in my center.    My class didn’t end with the call.  I spent all night in vivid medicine dreams involving you and the class participants, and energy movements in my physical body.   I’m really amazed at the progress that is happening here, and your ability to be in tune with every participant on the call.

- A.G.

Your training seems to have opened up other psychic abilities in me as well....

and after Wednesday’s class I had nonstop healing dreams with you in them. I don’t remember any of them in detail, only that I know the work is being done on a very deep level.

I rarely see energies, but as you began the mediation I began to see your energy field and saw white stripes of light coming from your head, as if they were white feathers.   You were moving energies and during the ceremony I felt the loving healing energies. You are very sweet in this life but you’re a great, great very old soul.  Thank your for your service in the light.

- Karen, San Antonio, TX

Michael, Thank you so much for the life changing experience of your Empath Academy!

With your masterful facilitation, the multi-leveled learning went inside and is now part of me. It was not just a feel good experience in a class; it shifted and changed my daily life.  The Academy changed me deeply and profoundly. I AM different, a before and after.  Without reservation – a truly rare thing for me to do as I am extremely particular –  I wholeheartedly recommend the life transforming power of the Academy experience.  Again, with all my heart, Michael - THANK YOU for generously sharing your many gifts and talents!   Love, light & blessings.  

- Alison Carter, WV

Hello, lovely empaths. If you haven't attended the Empath Academy and wish to heal, grow your intuition and empathic abilities...

it may well be one of the most wonderful experiences of your life.

Michael Smith's energy is incredibly high vibrational. Raising your vibration by being in the company of an extraordinarily high vibrational teacher is one of the reasons many people go to ashrams in Tibet, India, etc.

His energy is very balanced so it will tend to balance yours out. Thus, please, if you are or feel you may be an empath, sign up for a session with Michael or the Empath Academy. Go gently,

- Carissa Schumacher,
channel for Yeshua;
Sacred Spirit Illumination Sedona and NY TIMES author of THE FREEDOM TRANSMISSIONS
Read all Testimonials